Corporate Unplugged Forum Core

  • Vesna Lucca

    Founder of Corporate Unplugged Forum.

    Conscious Business Strategist

    ‘Logic, will take us from A to B. Imagination will take us anywhere’ Einstein

    What does the world need right now?

    Awareness that we are all one & action.

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  • Sasja Beslik

    International financial expert, top influencer in green finance.

    ‘We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it’ Che Guevara

    What does the world need right now?

    Honesty. It demands integrity to see how bad it is, and strength to improve it.

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  • Raya Bidshahri

    Founder & CEO, School of Humanity

    ‘The future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it and execute it. It isn’t something you await, but rather create’ HH Sheikh Mohammed

    What does the world need right now?


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  • Jan Broman

    Founder of Fotografiska & Investor

    ‘For me photography is such a fantastic medium because it gives us the possibility to raise awareness through documentary photography’

    What does the world need right now?

    More empathy.

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  • Eda Çarmıklı

    Entrepreneur, utopian and community builder. 3rd generation shareholder of Nurol, Turkey.

    ‘It is never too late to be what you might have been’ George Eliot

    What does the world need right now?

    Belief and a new value system

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  • John Caswell

    Founder of Strategy firm Group Partners in London.

    ‘The devil is not in the detail, it’s in the bigger picture, but it often hides in plain sight. Which makes it incredibly hard for business leaders, who are in the midst of their business creation, to see it’

    What does the world need right now?

    True leaders.

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  • Emre Eczacıbaşı

    Board Member, Innovation Coordinator, Eczacıbaşı Holding

    “If the path is clear then you are probably on someone else’s” Joseph Campbell

    What does the world need right now?


  • Charles Eisenstein

    Philosopher, Author

    “The most important quality of leadership is to understand the purpose of a human being, which is to serve life and beauty in the world, to be an instrument of the evolution and healing and becoming of the world.”

    What does the world need right now?

    To understand why we’re here and what a human being is.

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  • Måns Jacobsson Hosk

    Business Creative & Co-founder Kurppa Hosk

    ‘Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference’ Robert Frost

    What does the world need right now?

    To slow down.

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  • Virginia Salas Kastilio

    Serial entrepreneur, activist & founder of Humans I Trust & Gini.Tv

    “What is luxury now? It’s trees, it’s space, it’s gardens, expensiveness, being out in nature”

    What does the world need right now?

    Slow down. Step into gratitude. Take responsibility. Connect deeply with yourself and others.

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  • Mia Bengtsson

    CEO Alsteron, Investment firm

    ‘Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you’

    What does the world need right now?

    A clean slate, knowledge & compassion.

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  • Bob Chapman

    Chairman & CEO, Barry-Wehmiller, Founder Chapman Leadership Institute

    ‘Everything we consider valuable in life and business begins and ends with people’

    What does the world need right now?

    Leaders who have the skills and courage to care!

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  • Amy Edmonson

    Professor of Leadership & Management at Harvard Business School

    Aim high & team up!

    What does the world need right now?

    Generosity & sincere caring.

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  • Henrik Evrell

    Creative, entrepreneur, Co-founder of Soon

    “First who, then what. The best strategy ever. We can all win if we work together. Being a nice person will take you far”

    What does the world need right now?

    Peace of mind and move into a slower pace.

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  • Adam Gazzaley

    Neuroscientist, neurologist, inventor, author, photographer, entrepreneur and investor

    “Follow your instincts. Make your own opportunity and build your own path. Be fearless but also be thoughtful. Allow yourself to follow your dreams”

    What does the world need right now?

    Valuing our minds. We need to learn how to evolve our minds just like we evolved our technology.

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  • Rebecca Henderson

    HBS Professor, Author and Authority on Reimagining Capitalism

    “Instead of giving up on capitalism, let’s fix it by making sure that markets are truly fair and truly free, and that no one can dump garbage on us and walk away without paying for it. We have the resources and the technology to solve climate change. Together, we can save the trees and each other”

    What does the world need right now?

    Solutions and hope.

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  • Reynir Indahl

    Founder and Managing Partner of Summa Equity

    “Every person has a unique skill. If you’re able to get everyone to come at an issue from different angles, unleash the creativity and empower the people – you can do tremendous things”

    What does the world need right now?

    Leaders who are willing to step up to the post and pave the way into a new landscape.

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  • Linda Lanzavecchia

    Architect. Yogini and YogaTteacher

    ‘Act the way you would like to be and soon you’ll be the way you act’

    What does the world need right now?

    Kindness, awareness and thoughtful leaders.

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  • Jayce Lee

    Artist, scribe, maverick storyteller.

    ‘There’s a crack in everything. That’s how light gets in’ Leonard Cohen

    What does the world need right now?

    For us to be less power centric and more kindness centric.

  • Markus Lehto

    Co-founder of Joint Idea & Life Works Labs & Love Mafia

    Our time on this planet should be spent creating meaningful, artful, playful, and regenerative relationships with other loving human beings.

    What does the world need right now?

    Rewrite the definition of what a good life is.

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  • Jason Lippert

    President and CEO of LCI Industries

    “Business can be a force for good. That’s how the world’s gonna change. Think how many people are impacted by business at work: if we do culture, leadership right, we can really make the world a better place. And the world’s not in a good place right now. We need this revolution”

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  • Oren Lyons

    Chief, Peacekeeper, Professor Emeritus, Artist, Environmentalist, Author

    “Enjoy life & be thankful. If you do not have a moral question in your governing process, then you do not have a process that is going to survive. Life will go on as long as there is someone to sing, to dance, to tell stories and to listen”

    What does the world need right now?


  • Geetali Chhatwal Jonsson

    CEO & Co-founder of Home interior design brand Chhatwal Jonsson

    ‘Try and try again until you succeed: never give up’ King Bruce and the Spider

    What does the world need right now?

    In a world where we are getting totally disconnected from each other, from nature and from ourselves we need to build more “bridges”.

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  • Jacob Notlov

    CEO, entrepreneur, chairperson & investor

    “There is only love and fear. Choose love”

    What does the world need right now?

    Reason. Being open minded, open hearted and having sound reasoning.

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  • Charles O'Malley

    Convenor, connector, change agent

    “Increasingly I realise that holding to my own notions of good and evil is one of the biggest barriers to wisdom”

    What does the world need right now?

    More spaces for deeper dialogue and connection between people bringing diverse perspectives.

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  • Lesley Pennington

    Founder, Kinship Collective, Bemz & Co-Founder School2School

    ‘When everyone is included, everyone wins’ 
Jesse Jackson

    What does the world need right now?

    1. community

    2. compassion

    3. change

  • Johan Premfors

    Unconventional Entrepreneur. Co-founder, Gozamm.

    ‘Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen’ Richard Branson

    What does the world need right now?

    The world needs you not to be boring and take a risk. Say the things you’ve never dared say, the world needs us all to have a little more courage.

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  • Marie Ringler

    Member of the Global Leadership Group of Ashoka

    “Be the change you want to see”

    What does the world need right now?

    Courage. People who step into their own power and do what they know needs to be done.

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  • Carin Rodebjer

    Founder, fashion designer & creative director

    “Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition, everything else is secondary”

    What does the world need right now?

    Creativity; a space and a longing for something bigger than ourselves.

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  • Olena Rogozina

    Nordic E-commerce Marketing Lead Samsung

    “What matters in life? To love and to learn. Be driven by heart and compassion. Act truly, be patient and take in advice (while sipping on glass of Old Fashioned)”

    What does the world need right now?

    Acting from heart.

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  • Pia Rudengren

    Chairperson (Boliden, AcadeMedia, Duni) & Investor

    ‘Always look at the bright side of life’ Monty Python, Life of Brian

    What does the world need right now?

    Sense and sensibility; non-polarity and respect for the female energies.

  • Nivi Sharma

    CEO of Bridges to Prosperity, Global Leader in rural infrastructure development

    What does the world need right now?

    To connect to our inner selves.

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  • Liubov Shlapai

    Head of Global Events at Mindvalley. Founder and CEO

    “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching”

    What does the world need right now?

    New environment that facilitates change.

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  • Raj Sisodia

    Professor at Babson College. Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism INC.

    “I believe it is socially irresponsible not to be profitable, but it matters how you make the money. We can make the money by squeezing people and damaging the environment and creating lots of suffering in the world. Or we can make money and simultaneously create healing and flourishing in the world.

    What does the world need right now?

    Act like we are interconnected and interdependent. Our fates are intertwined.

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  • Mario Solari

    Partner, Genesis Investment Management, Angel Investor & Ultra runner

    ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?…Kind, said the boy.”

    What does the world need right now?

    Greater connection to [our] nature

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  • Ulf Stenerhag

    Entrepreneur, CEO & Founder of Wayout

    “To make change happen first you start, then you continue”

    What does the world need right now?

    Bravery, being brave outside of yourself and doing something for others.

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  • Ma Steinsvik

    Investor & Entrepreneur

    ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’

    Mahatma Gandhi

    What does the world need right now?

    Action from a place of good faith of thankfulness and of wisdom, and just getting it done. Solving the problems and doing it together.

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  • William Ury

    Peacemaker. Professor. Author, social anthropologist, mediator & negotiation advisor

    “Finding peace isn’t about ending conflict. It’s about how we handle conflict constructively. Through listening, collaboration, dialogue”

    What does the world need right now?

    Dignity for all.

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  • Roberto Verganti

    Professor of Leadership and Innovation at HBS and SSE, Advisory Board of the European Innovation Council of the European Commission

    ‘The search for meaning is really rooted in our human nature. It’s what makes us human’

    What does the world need right now?

    More heroes & redefining what we think a hero is.

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  • Karin Volo

    Culture Guru, CEO & Chief Joy Bringer of Evoloshen

    ‘You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing obsolete’ Buckminster Fuller

    What does the world need right now?

    Love, care compassion and joy.

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